Board of Directors

Shri Arun Kumar Kothari
(Non - Executive Director - Chairman)

Shri Arun Kumar Kothari is a well-known Industrialist having knowledge, experience & expertise in areas relating to tea, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, engineering and spinning industries.

List of Directorships in other Companies
  1. Albert David Limited
  2. Pilani Investments & Industries Corporation Limited
  3. Bharat Fritz Werner Limited
  4. Arvind Engineering Works Limited
  5. Karunasindhu Properties Private Limited
  6. Shubh Ananda Advisory Private Limited
  7. Arunudaya Consultancy Private Limited

Smt. Prabhawati Devi Kothari
(Non - Executive Director)

Smt. Prabhawati Devi Kothari is a well-renowned Industrialist having wide experience in the field of tea, engineering, chemical, pharmaceuticals and spinning industries.
List of Directorships in other Companies
  1. Albert David Limited
  2. Bharat Fritz Werner Limited
  3. G. Das & Co. Private Limited
  4. Arunudaya Consultancy Private Limited

Shri Arvind Baheti
(Non - Executive, Independent Director)

Shri Arvind Baheti is a highly reputed Chartered Accountant, qualified in the year 2000 with All India rank of 45. He is an Executive Director with the Indirect Tax practice group of the celebrated law Firm, "Khaitan & Co. LLP" based in Kolkata. He specializes in Indirect Tax Laws, Foreign Trade & Regulatory Laws. He carries with him a blend of professional and industrial experience of around 25 years in his area of specialization.
List of Directorships in other Companies
  1. Rupa and Company Limited

Shri Kothaneth Ashok
(Non - Executive, Independent Director)

Shri Kothaneth Ashok had been the Vice Chairman and Managing Director of J. Thomas & Co. (P) Limited, largest and oldest tea auctioneers in the world with an illustrious career of over 40 years. His rich and varied experience enhanced his progress and respect in the above stated Company, as well as in Tea Trade Associations, both in North and South India. He encompasses a total experience of around 45 years.
List of Directorships in other Companies
  1. The Highland Produce Company Limited

Shri Charudatta Raghvendra Prayag
(Non - Executive, Independent Director)

Shri Charudatta Raghvendra Prayag has over 39 years of experience in Research and Development, Technical Textiles, Geo-textiles, Nanofiber composites quality assurance and Technology Development in cotton, yarn and manmade fiber textiles. He has been the Deputy Director of Ahmedabad Textile Industry's Research Association (ATIRA). He has been the Lead Assessor (ISO/IEC 17025 -2005) for over 20 years and has also published 1 presented over 30 technical articles in textile research magazines, national and international conferences. He is a former member of Executive Council of Indian Society for cotton improvement, CIRCOT (Ministry of Agriculture), Mumbai and member of various technical sub-committees - Textiles, Bureau of India Standards, New Delhi.
List of Directorships in other Companies
  1. Nil

Shri Mahesh Sodhani
(Managing Director & CEO)

Shri Mahesh Sodhani is a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, the Institute of Company Secretaries of India and the Institute of Cost Accountants of India. He is associated with the Company since 01.05.2001. He has huge experience in the Tea Industry with varied experience in EPC business as well. He has rich experience in areas of finance, marketing and administration and he is an astute leader.
List of Directorships in other Companies
  1. Nil